Showing posts with label Happier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happier. Show all posts

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

My unfinished bright quilt

The last few days I've been working on another top featuring Peter Pan collar, which I will add to the birthday present of one little five year old lady. My progress on the top has been so slow that I still can't show you a finished garment, so I thought I'd share with you another project of mine which has been waiting patiently on my 'To-do' list for nearly two and a half years. It's a quilt, which I started making and still haven't finished.

It all started nearly three years ago when I was browsing Emma's Fabric Studio online shop and admired the lovely printed fabrics there, trying to choose which one to buy. As there were lovely bundles as well, I decided to pick a bundle. After much time spent on looking and hesitating which one to pick, I chose "Happier" by Deena Rutter. At that time I still didn't sew clothes for kids as I had only a boy and somehow sewing boy's clothes never looked that appealing to me as sewing for girls (sometimes I feel guilty because of that, like it is not fair that my girl only gets handmade clothes, so I try to compensate that by sewing other things for my boy).
I thought sewing a quilt for the cot would be a good idea - functional and brightening any bedroom. I have always liked bright colours, but when I started joining the pieces for the quilt, I found it too bright and chaotic looking than I actually wanted to. I liked the fabrics separately but when mixed together, there seemed too many different prints on one place. So that was how it ended up being abandoned.

Now I plan to finish this quilt when I get the chance. I don't think I will use it as the kid's room has been recently painted in blue and pale pink tones. It feels a bit sad to make something that ends up being unusable. I hope I will find someone who will like it the way it is.